Mills signs bill to spur offshore wind in Maine, ensure high labor standards within industry / by Evan Popp

Gov. Janet Mills at a press conference in January 2023 | Beacon

Originally published in the Maine Beacon on July 27, 2023

Environmental and labor groups praised Gov. Janet Mills on Thursday after she signed into law a bill that adds strong labor standards to a sweeping measure that will shape the buildout of Maine’s budding offshore wind industry.

As Beacon previously reported, LD 1895, sponsored by Sen. Mark Lawrence (D-York), is an omnibus bill that lays out a framework for state procurement of three gigawatts of offshore wind power in the Gulf of Maine by 2040 — enough to power 900,000 homes with clean power, according to the Maine AFL-CIO — and construction of a deepwater port for the manufacture of floating wind turbines, as well as protections for wildlife and fishing grounds.

The measure was amended near the end of the legislative session to include higher wage standards for construction jobs created by the port and procurement portions of the legislation. Under the agreement, in order to win bids, construction firms must agree to what is called a community workforce enhancement agreement, wherein they must give the wage and benefits package that has been collectively bargained by local trade unions.

The bill as amended was approved Tuesday by the Senate on a 19-8 party line vote, with Democrats supporting the legislation. It then went to the House, where it was passed by a 59-40 vote. The measure then received final approval from each chamber early Wednesday morning in one of the final actions taken by lawmakers this legislative session.

“I thank the legislators and stakeholders who, through collaboration and compromise, have positioned Maine to pursue offshore wind in a manner that puts all Maine workers and businesses on a level playing field, invites investments in critical port infrastructure, and importantly, respects those who rely on the ocean for their livelihoods,” Mills said in a statement Thursday. “I am pleased with of the outcome of this legislation and proud to sign it into law.”

Labor advocates were thrilled as well, calling the measure a huge win for the state.

“This bill is a homerun for Maine workers and our clean energy future,” Matt Schlobohm, executive director of the Maine AFL-CIO, said. “It ensures that we will create thousands of good union jobs with great benefits and apprenticeship training opportunities. It protects our fisheries and puts Maine on a path to clean energy independence.”

Environmental advocates also praised the signing of the measure.

“Offshore wind is the single biggest lever we can pull to address the climate crisis, meet Maine’s energy needs, and grow our economy simultaneously,” said Kathleen Meil of Maine Conservation Voters.

“When this bill is implemented, Maine will set a national example for how to responsibly develop a new, affordable energy source, grow good-paying jobs for our workers, and do so without compromising Maine values,” she added. “We’re ready to get to work and launch this new industry.”

The signing of LD 1895 comes after Mills vetoed a separate wind energy bill late last month that included provisions to create good-paying union jobs that could have helped Maine unlock federal money. That veto followed a decision by lawmakers to amend the bill to include project labor agreements, or PLAs, which are meant to prevent low-ball bids from construction firms on taxpayer-funded construction projects by setting wage rates to the prevailing standard.

Mills echoed business lobbyists and the construction industry in her veto letter, claiming PLAs would raise construction costs and produce a “chilling effect” on the wind industry. Labor leaders objected, warning that the governor’s opposition to higher labor standards could instead raise costs by making Maine less competitive for federal dollars set aside by Congress.

However, Mills, labor unions and other advocates continued to negotiate on the issue, coming to the deal reflected in the provisions of LD 1895.

“We applaud legislators and Governor Mills for working collaboratively with our coalition to negotiate a comprehensive framework that will jumpstart this new industry with strong labor, climate and equity standards,” Schlobohm said.

Evan Popp studied journalism at Ithaca College and interned at the Progressive magazine, ThinkProgress and the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. He then worked for the Santa Fe New Mexican newspaper before joining Beacon. Evan can be reached at