Communist Party of Maine | Augusta, ME 04330

Do not hesitate to be in touch to inform us, ask us something, criticize us, make suggestions, or lend support.

The other reason for contacting us is to say that you want to join the Communist Party USA. That’s a fine reason! 

The way to do that is to email our National Party here JOIN US. The national office of the Party will let us know that you have joined, and we will then be in touch with you.

We are a club of the CPUSA. In joining the Party, you join us. The clubs represent the CPUSA in local areas. We are the building blocks of the Party. Usually members’ involvement and work with the clubs represent the bulk of what they do with the Party.

Therefore, as you join the Party, perhaps send us the word with an email. You will have a head start.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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