The Communist Party of Maine has members from all over Maine. We work tirelessly to implement the Communist Party USA Program in the Pine Tree State. Every summer we hold a special meeting where we determine the plan of work for the coming year. Read the public edition of our plan of work below

Maine Communist Party Is Planning Ahead / by Benjamin Ostergaard

The largest portion of our efforts is spent doing “mass work” i.e. we work with trade unions, antiwar groups, housing justice organizations, LGBTQ+ advocacy groups, etc. What does “work with” mean? It depends on the organization in question. When workers strike, we join them on the picket line. When antiwar groups hold a peace rally, we sponsor it and attend. We also do the mundane stuff such as attending labor council meetings and similar. When working with mass organizations, we build connections and trust, it even encourages people to join our Party. When we host events, we invite people from these organizations to speak. Doing such work lays the foundation for more advanced projects such as running candidates for office.

Beyond mass work, we also coordinate with the Communist Party as a whole. We send members to mass events like the Poor People’s Rally of June 2022. We fundraise for the People’s World newspaper. Our members attend online classes organized by the National Committee.

We have members dedicated to maintaining our digital tools such as our social media, website, and calendar. We spend a lot of effort sending emails and coordinating between our allies (seriously, it takes more time than you think).

To coordinate all of this, we meet twice a month. The first Sunday of every month is our business meeting where we discuss and plan the work we do. The third Sunday of every month is when we hold our education meeting where one member gives an educational presentation which is then discussed by the rest of the club. Due to the large size of our state, almost all of our meetings are done remotely.

If you’re a communist living in Maine and this work sounds like your thing then join us! Just fill out the form and we’ll be in touch!

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