Nurses Demand Northern Maine Medical Reinstate Colleague / by Andy O’Brien

Image via Maine AFL-CIO

Reposted from the Maine AFL-CIO News

Northern Maine Medical registered nurses, who recently won their union election and affiliated with the Maine State Nurses Association/NNOC, are now demanding that the hospital reinstate their union sister Tiffani Daigle, who was unjustly fired on January 25. Below is a statement from MSNA and a form to show your support for Tiffani.

Our friend and co-worker Tiffani Daigle has been an employee of Northern Maine Medical Center for many years, most recently as a registered nurse. 

Tiffani is respected as a compassionate and skilled caregiver, and as someone who cares deeply for her NMMC colleagues. Any of us would have her care for ourselves or our loved ones, any time that was necessary.  
Tiffani was a strong leader in our most recent union campaign. She fought hard so that we nurses could have a real voice in our hospital, both for ourselves and the patients for whom we care.   

But Northern Maine Medical Center (and its CEO Jeff Zewe) terminated Tiffani on January 25, robbing our hospital and our community of Tiffani’s presence, dedication and care for our patients at NMMC. 

This was an unjust termination, without any cause.  

We demand that Tiffani Daigle be reinstated immediately and made whole for any losses she has suffered because of NMMC’s cruel, hurtful and wholly meritless termination of our friend and colleague.  

Andy O’Brien is lifelong Mainer, writer, former Maine state legislator, and former editor of The Free Press, a newspaper covering midcoast Maine. He covered Maine state politics for nine years with a focus on Lincoln, Knox, and Waldo counties. He is also the communications director of the Maine AFL-CIO.