Opinion: Portland tenants are doing the city’s job in holding greedy landlords accountable / by Ethan Strimling

Houses on Hampshire Street in Portland. | Corey Templeton, Creative Commons via Flickr

Reposted from the Maine Beacon

Over the past six months, the Trelawny Tenants Union in Portland has recovered over $23,000 from landlords who were illegally overcharging their tenants. 

Those overcharges (“overcharges” = a nice way of saying “stolen”) occurred because landlords increased the rent more than the law allows, claimed exemptions they weren’t entitled to, tried to tack on illegal fees, or attempted to charge for services previously included in the rent. 

(Full disclosure, I am an active volunteer member of TTU, which has resulted in a three-year effort by my landlord to evict me from my apartment.)

While I’m proud of the work TTU has done to recover money stolen from tenants as it has made our city both more affordable and more equitable, we shouldn’t be the ones leading this work. It should be done by the City of Portland’s Housing Safety Office. While they have assisted us in retrieving some of the money, in none of these instances did they initiate the investigation, and in too many they actually chose to look the other way. 

That means a tenant had to risk the wrath of their landlord to get their money back. And with no-fault evictions the rule of Maine (meaning landlords can evict tenants for no reason), that risk is substantial.

For example, one landlord we investigated (I’ll leave out their names to protect the guilty… for now) tried to tack on an inflated gas fee that went to increase his profit margin. We filed a complaint which the city initially backed before they backed down, but then the Rent Control Board ultimately ordered him to end the fee and pay tenants back over $3,500. 

Another landlord claimed he lived in a three-unit building (small owner-occupied buildings are exempt from rent control) and tried to raise the rent by $800 a month on his tenants. When we presented the evidence we had uncovered—his address in another state, his out-of-state license plate, and voting records showing he had not voted in Portland in years—the city, again, looked the other way. But when we filed our complaint with the Rent Control Board (RCB) and the landlord saw our evidence, he immediately reduced the rents to their legal level, reimbursed the tenants a total of $4,800, and agreed to help cover the legal costs to avoid the public hearing.

Another investigation by TTU uncovered that a landlord had tried to charge a tenant almost $2,000 a year for a parking space that had previously been included in the lease. He set up a shell company run by his wife to claim it was a third party. Again, the city said this was fine. But, again, as soon as we presented our evidence to the RCB, the landlord’s lawyer offered the tenant $4,000 in compensation and the landlord admitted in writing that this was a violation.

And in just our regular review of publicly available data (all landlords must register their units, the amount they charge, and any increases they impose) over the past six months, we have uncovered over a dozen different instances where a landlord raised the rent above allowable limits. This has amounted to reimbursements totaling over $11,000 to tenants, from $188 to $2,545. All of those tenants are now paying lower monthly rent.

This is a lot of work for a volunteer-run group to take on. It’s work that should be done by the city. But perhaps worst of all, the city is still refusing to fine landlords for these violations. 

As the Portland Press Herald recently reported, there have been at least 37 violations of the rent control law uncovered and 150 “corrections.” And yet not a single landlord has been required to do anything more than pay back the money they stole from the tenants. 

Imagine if all theft worked this way. The penalty for robbing a bank? Give the money back. The penalty for stealing wages from an employee? Just reimburse them. The penalty for shoplifting? Just return the merchandise. If that were the standard, more banks would be robbed, more wages stolen, and more goods swiped. 

It’s easy to imagine that some landlords may take advantage of this — and some probably already are — knowing all they will have to do is pay back tenants if they are caught. But, sadly, they won’t be caught, unless TTU catches them, or the city council decides to demand the Housing Safety Office enforce this law with its full weight and authority.

Ethan Strimling served for 10 years as the progressive mayor and state senator representing Portland. He also spent 19 years as the executive director of LearningWorks, a social service agency helping to break the generational cycle of poverty through education. Currently, he is a community organizer for progressive causes around the country, an active member of Maine DSA, and one third of the podcast “In The Arena” with Pat Callaghan and Phil Harriman.