Censored Palestinian artist on the art of the working class / by People’s Dispatch

The Kafr Qasem Massacre of 1956, Killing Inside the Village, the Easa Family | via People’s World

Palestinian artist Samia Halaby spoke to Peoples Dispatch about censorship, abstract art, the genocide in Gaza and more

Reposted from People’s Dispatch

Palestinian artist Samia Halaby had her alma mater cancel her planned exhibit back in February, over her outspoken support for Palestine. In an interview with Peoples Dispatch, Halaby discusses the revolutionary and working class nature of abstract art, often presented as an apolitical art form.

Censored Palestinian artist

Peoples Dispatch, formerly The Dawn News, is an international media project with the mission of bringing to you voices from people’s movements and organizations across the globe. Since its establishment three years ago, it has sought to ensure that the coverage of news from around the world is not restricted to the rhetoric of politicians and the fortunes of big companies but encompasses the richness and diversity of mobilizations from around the world.