Maine lawmakers increase aid for families experiencing deep poverty / by Maine News Service

The Poor People’s Campaign is an activist group that advocates for social equity. The Maine chapter held a demonstration for that cause, saying they spread their message about the “poverty crisis” without violence or partisan politics. (WVII) | Credit: WGME

Reposted from the Maine Beacon

Gov. Janet Mills has signed legislation to increase temporary assistance payments to families experiencing deep poverty.

Payments will increase by 20%, meaning a single-parent family of three will now receive nearly $870 per month.

Ann Danforth, policy advocate with Maine Equal Justice, said the aid will help families get beyond just surviving.

“It enables parents to be able to have child care, to go to work,” said Danforth, “and enables kids to grow up in strong families, where they are then able to participate in the workforce, too.”

Nearly one in eight Maine children live in poverty. The bill passed both chambers with unanimous support, signaling what Danforth said is a greater understanding that poverty impacts us all.

Childhood poverty in the United States was cut nearly in half during the COVID-19 pandemic, as expanded federal and state tax credits put cash in parents’ pockets to help cover their basic needs.

Danforth said Maine lawmakers heard testimony from families utilizing these rebates and temporary aid, providing them with direction on what policies work best.

“All of the research and data from these policies reinforce what people with low income tell us,” said Danforth, “which is that when we give people the resources and supports they need and trust them to do what’s best for themselves and their families, we all win.”

Danforth said she’d like to see a renewed expansion of the federal Child Tax Credit and further consideration of direct cash payments in Maine.

She said these policies not only help families pay for rent and food.